
The minimal browser.

View the Project on GitHub macrat/dobostorta

The minimal browser, Dobostorta.

How to install

Now, Dobostorta don’t distribute binary files. Please compile in your computer.

$ git clone
$ cd dobostorta
$ qmake
$ make
$ sudo make install

make install will install two binaries that dobostorta and torta-dl. dobostorta is the main command of Dobostorta browser. And, torta-dl is a downloader command for dobostorta. torta-dl used by dobostorta.


You can uninstall binary with sudo make uninstall. And, remove data files (maybe saved on ~/.local/share/dobostorta).

How to use

Open Dobostorta

$ dobostorta

If you want open URL, simply give that URL.

$ dobostorta

Or, please give search keyword if you want web search something.

$ dobostorta something

Dobostorta will open local file if arguments are starts with ~/, ./ or /.

$ dobostorta ./local-file
$ dobostorta ~/file-of-home
$ dobostorta /path/to/file

If passed some arguments, Dobostorta will open windows as many as arguments.

You can open dobostorta in incognito mode with -i or --incognito option.

$ dobostorta -i
$ dobostorta -i
$ dobostorta -i something
$ dobostorta -i /some/file

The Bar

Bar is like a address bar or search bar. Perhaps, bar behave as command line in the future.

You can input URL into bar. If inputed text are starts with URL scheme or has dot, Dobostorta will open that as URL.

And, you can web search from bar. If inputed text isn’t URL or starts with search:, Dobostorta will search that in Google web search. If you want to other search engine, please edit DobosTorta::webSearch of dobostorta/main.cpp.

And and, you can search word from current page using bar. If inputed text starts with find:, Dobostorta will search current page. You can move in the search results with Ctrl-N and Ctrl-P.



Ctrl-k or upScroll to up.
Ctrl-j or downScroll to down.
Ctrl-h or leftScroll to left.
Ctrl-l or rightScroll to right.
Ctrl-g Ctrl-g or HomeScroll to page top.
Ctrl-G or EndScroll to page bottom.


Ctrl-PlusZoom in.
Ctrl-MinusZoom out.
Ctrl-0Reset zoom level.


Ctrl-i or Alt-RightForward history.
Ctrl-o or Alt-LeftBack history.
Ctrl-rReload page.


Ctrl-:Focus to bar and start edit url or web search.
Ctrl-/Focus to bar and start in-site search.
Ctrl-[ or escapeEscape from bar and close. Only working when bar has focus.
Ctrl-nFind next text. Only working when inputted in-site search query into bar, and bar has no focus.
Ctrl-pFind previous text. Only working when inputted in-site search query into bar, and bar has no focus.
Ctrl-nSelect next suggestion. Only working when bar has focus.
Ctrl-pSelect previous suggestion. Only working when bar has focus.


Ctrl-NOpen new window.
Ctrl-POpen new incognito window.

Development policy

Dobostorta is a minimal browser. There is some development policy for keeping minimalicity.

Source code of Dobostorta will keep shorter than 500 lines and shorter than 100 characters each lines. And, one command has just one source code (Now, there is two codes that for dobostorta and torta-dl).

Dobostorta will almost follows programing style of QT. One exception is place of brackets. Dobostorta’s source code don’t change line before brackets. This is keeping short.