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 * NoSuchColumnError means specified no indexed column.
export class NoSuchColumnError extends Error {
	 * @param {object} column - name of errored column.
	constructor(column) {
		super(column + ': no such column or no indexed');

		 * Column name that errored.
		 * @type {object}
		this.column = column;

		/** @ignore */
		this.name = '';

		if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
			Error.captureStackTrace(this, NoSuchColumnError);

 * InvalidKeyError means specified invalid key.
export class InvalidKeyError extends Error {
	 * @param {object} key - name of specified key.
	constructor(key) {
		super('invalid key');

		 * Key name that specified.
		 * @type {object}
		this.key = key;

		/** @ignore */
		this.name = '';

		if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
			Error.captureStackTrace(this, InvalidKeyError);

 * InvalidSchemaError means specified invalid schema.
export class InvalidSchemaError extends Error {
	 * @param {string} reason - why throws this error.
	 * @param {string|string[]|null} column - name of column that invalid.
	constructor(reason, column=null) {

		 * Name of column that invalid.
		 * @type {string|string[]|null}
		this.column = column;

		/** @ignore */
		this.name = 'InvalidSchemaError';

		if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
			Error.captureStackTrace(this, InvalidSchemaError);